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Insights into Sitecore Search: A Definitive Introduction

A key component of digital experience management is effective information retrieval. A simplified approach is required for websites, applications, and platforms containing a lot of material so that consumers can easily get the data they require. This need is met by Sitecore, a well-known name in the field of digital experience platforms (DXPs), which provides powerful and comprehensive search functionality. We will travel into the realm of Sitecore Search in this article, learning about its capabilities, architecture , and the enormous value it offers both developers and end users. Introduction to Sitecore Search    A headless content discovery platform powered by AI , Sitecore Search enables you to build predictive and custom search experiences across various content sources. To extract and ...

Good relationship

Everyone wants to maintain good relationship with their partner throughout the life. But some received success in this and other not able to maintain this (or they simply carry this relationship throughout the life as a social responsibility). These days many Bollywood movies based upon this issue, the movies which totally based upon this issue are Salam Namaste, KANK, Metro and Delhi Heights.

According to these movies, at the starting time of relationship the life was going cool because both were new to each other (opposite sex interact each other in the starting). After some time when this thing not matter then they are trying to notice each other behavior on every incident. This type of investigation will be the starting point to break your good relationship.

I learned some points to maintain good relationship from my married friends:

1. Good Listener: Lack of communication is very frustrating to partner but if you are also not a good listener then you will make your partner dander. Most of the people concentrate more on television than our wives or girlfriend. Most women want to talk about personal things that directly related to their life, family or friends.

2. Don’t forget the occasion: We all know that whenever husband forgets the birthday, anniversary, or important dates (something special like when we meet first time and etc.) that make women frustrating. For good relationship it is very serious point and should never happen again. These occasional celebrations make closer to both of you.

3. Know People: Every woman want to introduce their family and friends, but men always not interested in this. The woman wants to make these people, important part of their life, which will help in the bad time. And women also expect this from her husband.

4. Professional Life: Always keep distance between your personal and professional life. For example consider the case: When you got married with person of same profession (and also working in competing company). In this scenario, don’t try to investigate what is going on their professional life.

5. Sharing household chores: It is quite astonishing, when you are sharing household chores. It is the key of successful marriage life. Both man and woman have different perception about household chores. If you speak separately from both, you will receive different answer. Mr. will say, he is very helpful and madam answer would be, she’s doing the entire job.
All man have different thinking about what are the household chores: Making a food twice a week, cleaning of garbage, ironing his shirts and shopping for filling the fridge. So, it’s up to you, how you handle household chores.

My dear friends the above points applicable on both men's (jamana to hai naukar biwi ka..) and woman’s(kudio ka hai jamana..) for making good relationship.


Gopala Krishna said…
good one :)

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