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Insights into Sitecore Search: A Definitive Introduction

A key component of digital experience management is effective information retrieval. A simplified approach is required for websites, applications, and platforms containing a lot of material so that consumers can easily get the data they require. This need is met by Sitecore, a well-known name in the field of digital experience platforms (DXPs), which provides powerful and comprehensive search functionality. We will travel into the realm of Sitecore Search in this article, learning about its capabilities, architecture , and the enormous value it offers both developers and end users. Introduction to Sitecore Search    A headless content discovery platform powered by AI , Sitecore Search enables you to build predictive and custom search experiences across various content sources. To extract and ...

Configuring Sitecore Next.js Headless SXA Multisite App in a Sitecore Container

Leading digital experience platform Sitecore offers strong capabilities for developing reliable websites and applications. The headless CMS and Jamstack architecture trends have been very popular in recent years. Sitecore provides Headless SXA (Sitecore Experience Accelerator) as a solution to decouple the front-end presentation layer from the content management capabilities since it recognizes the value of headless capabilities.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of configuring a Sitecore Next.js multisite app and integrating it with Headless SXA in a Sitecore container. This setup allows you to leverage the benefits of Next.js, a popular React framework for server-side rendering, and the flexibility of Headless SXA for managing and delivering content.

Table of Contents

Before we begin, make sure you have a basic understanding of Sitecore, Next.js, and Docker. Let's dive in!
Step 1: Set Up the Sitecore Container
The first step is to set up a Sitecore container using Docker. You can follow the official Sitecore Docker documentation Walkthrough: Setting up a development environment with the Sitecore Containers template for Next.js to create a Sitecore latest version container setup with Next.js app with the desired Sitecore modules installed like Sitecore Management Services, Sitecore Headless Services, Sitecore Content Serialization etc..

You need to have the following software applications installed on your computer before you can install the template and build a full-stack solution for Sitecore and JSS for Next.js: After installation of required template and tools, open the PowerShell with administrator privileges, and run the following command to create the project solution with Sitecore Container setup for XP0, XM1 and XP1 topologies with sample Sitecore Next.js app, and this ensure that the container includes the necessary headless functionality:
dotnet new sitecore.nextjs.gettingstarted -n MyProject 

And select the following options during the execution of above command:
Template is configured to run the following action: 

Description: Restores dotnet local tools for the solution. 

Actual command: dotnet tool restore 

Do you want to run this action [Y(yes)|N(no)]? 


Running command 'dotnet tool restore'... 

Command succeeded. 


Template is configured to run the following action: 

Description: Initializes the JSS project. 

Actual command: powershell -File create-jss-project.ps1 

Do you want to run this action [Y(yes)|N(no)]? 


Running command 'powershell -File create-jss-project.ps1'... 

Adding JSS sample to solution via 'npx create-sitecore-jss... 

Creating JSS Project for myproject 

? Would you like to use the pre-push hook for linting check? Yes 

Initializing 'nextjs'... 

? What is your Sitecore hostname (used if deployed to Sitecore)? 

? How would you like to fetch Layout and Dictionary data? GraphQL 

? How would you like to prerender your application? SSG 

Initializing 'nextjs-styleguide'... 

? Which additional language do you want to support (en is already included and required)? da-DK 

Installing packages... 

> npm install 

Once, command execution is successful you will get the following prompt:
Installing pre-push hook... 

Pre-push hook installed successfully! 





      :mMMMMMMMMh+.              `:smMMMMMMMm: 

    `yMMMMMMMm+`                     :yMMMMMMMs` 

   `dMMMMMMN/                          .hMMMMMMd` 

  `mMMMMMMh`                          -s/+MMMMMMd` 

  yMMMMMMh                        `:yNMMMs/MMMMMMy 

:MMMMMMm`                       `hMMMMMMMsoMMMMMM- 

yMMMMMM/                          dMMMMMMM:mMMMMMy 

NMMMMMN`                          oMyossss:sMMMMMm 

MMMMMMN                           yM:NMMMMyoMMMMMN 

mMMMMMM`                         :Md+MMMMMoyMMMMMm 

yMMMMMM+                        :NN+NMMMMM-NMMMMMy 

:MMMMMMN:-                    `sMdyMNymMMosMMMMMM- 

  yMMMMMMd/o`                .oNdhmMhhMmh++MMMMMMy 

  `dMMMMMMm+do.-         ./oyhhhNNhyNMMNosMMMMMMd` 










                  __ / / __/ __/ 

                 / // /\ \_\ \ 



JSS application myproject is ready! 


Next steps: 

* Connect to Sitecore with jss setup (optional) 

* Try out your application with jss start 

* Enable source control (i.e. git init) (optional) 

* Check out the JSS documentation at 



Updating JSS sample for containerized environment 


Command succeeded. 

If you open the code base folder, then you will find required setup to start with Sitecore Headless Services:
The above Sitecore Containers setup for Next.js not have the Sitecore SXA module and Sitecore Next.js Multisite add-on to support the Sitecore Headless SXA.

If you need to enable/disable Sitecore configurations on Sitecore Container setup then you can check the details at Enabling development-only configuration and Sitecore Container GitHub Dev Patches (Sitecore Container Patch Config Examples)

Step 2: Add support for Sitecore SXA in Sitecore Headless Container setup
To add the support for Sitecore SXA, you have to add Sitecore SXA and Sitecore SPE modules into your container setup.

The Sitecore developers knowledge repository provides details about how to add different Sitecore modules into your Sitecore Docker Container setup at Sitecore module reference.

For a more detailed explanation of Sitecore module images and how they are included, refer to this topic on how to add Sitecore modules, which includes the Sitecore PowerShell Extensions (SPE) and Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA) modules.
  • Update docker compose file:
    • Sitecore PowerShell Extensions (SPE) Module:
      Go to your docker compose override file add SPE module argument (SPE_IMAGE) to mssql-init and cm container services:

      Here the values of SITECORE_MODULE_REGISTRY and SPE_VERSION defined in the environment (.env) file as 

      You can check the Sitecore PowerShell Extensions compatibility with Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA) at Sitecore Experience Accelerator compatibility tables.

      No need to install Sitecore PowerShell Extensions (SPE) for the Sitecore CD service because Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA) only uses Sitecore PowerShell Extensions (SPE) for automation and scaffolding purposes.

    • Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA) Module:
      Go to your docker compose override file add SPE module argument (SXA_IMAGE) to solr-init, cm and cd container services:
      SXA_IMAGE: ${SITECORE_MODULE_REGISTRY}sitecore-sxa-xm1-assets:${SXA_VERSION} 

      Here the values of SITECORE_MODULE_REGISTRY and SXA_VERSION defined in the environment (.env) file as 

    • Update mssql-init base image details for Sitecore XP0 topology:
      If you are using Sitecore Container XP0 topology, then you have to replace the sitecore-${TOPOLOGY} with sitecore-xp1 in image name of mssql-init service in the docker compose file and updated value would be like this:
          isolation: ${ISOLATION} 
          image: ${SITECORE_DOCKER_REGISTRY}sitecore-xp1-mssql-init:${SITECORE_VERSION} 

  • Update docker file:
    • CM service DockerFile instructions:
      In previous step, we have added Sitecore PowerShell Extensions (SPE) and Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA) modules in docker compose file, so we have to add instructions for the SPE and SXA as per Sitecore module reference.

      You have to append following instructions in your CM Service DockerFile
      FROM ${SPE_IMAGE} as spe 
      FROM ${SXA_IMAGE} as sxa 
      WORKDIR C:\inetpub\wwwroot 
      # Add SPE module 
      COPY --from=spe \module\cm\content .\ 
      # Add SXA module 
      COPY --from=sxa \module\cm\content .\ 
      COPY --from=sxa \module\tools \module\tools 
      RUN C:\module\tools\Initialize-Content.ps1 -TargetPath .\; ` 
          Remove-Item -Path C:\module -Recurse -Force; 

    • CD service DockerFile instructions:
      We have added Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA) module in docker compose file, so we have to add instructions for the SXA in your CD Service DockerFile
      FROM ${SXA_IMAGE} as sxa 
      WORKDIR C:\inetpub\wwwroot 
      # Add SXA module 
      COPY --from=sxa \module\cd\content .\ 
      COPY --from=sxa \module\tools \module\tools 
      RUN C:\module\tools\Initialize-Content.ps1 -TargetPath .\; ` 
          Remove-Item -Path C:\module -Recurse -Force; 

    • MSSQL-INIT service DockerFile instructions:
      We have added Sitecore PowerShell Extensions (SPE) module in docker compose file, so we have to add instructions for the SPE in your mssql-init Service DockerFile
      FROM ${SPE_IMAGE} as spe 
      WORKDIR C:\inetpub\wwwroot 
      # Add SPE module 
      COPY --from=spe C:\module\db C:\resources\spe 

    • SOLR-INIT service DockerFile instructions:
      We have added Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA) module in docker compose file of CM and CD role, so we required the Solr indexes for these roles, and for this we need to add instructions for the SXA in solr-init Service DockerFile
      FROM ${SXA_IMAGE} as sxa 
      WORKDIR C:\inetpub\wwwroot 
      # Add SXA module 
      COPY --from=sxa .\module\solr\ C:\data\ 

      In the DockerFile the arguments SXA_IMAGE / SPE_IMAGE are based on the argument name passed in the docker compose or docker compose override files.
      Also, update your .env file, if you are passing any dynamic parameter to your docker compose files.

Step 3: Add support for Sitecore Next.js multisite add-on
The Sitecore Next.js app which created by the Sitecore Next.js container template does not have Sitecore Next.js multisite add-on which is required to support the Sitecore Headless SXA multisite feature.

To get more information about what type of Next.js project you can create with the JSS initializer script present at Add-ons for Sitecore Next.js applications.

For our purpose, we will be creating the Sitecore Next.js app with Sitecore SXA and multisite add-on using following steps:
  • Create new folder outside of your container setup
  • Open the Powershell terminal in ADMIN mode, and go to the location of newly created folder and run the following command
    npx create-sitecore-jss --templates nextjs,nextjs-sxa,nextjs-multisite 
  • Follow the prompts to provide options for your application.
     npx create-sitecore-jss --templates nextjs,nextjs-sxa,nextjs-multisite 
    ? Where would you like your new app created? C:\Multisiteaddon\nextjs 
    Initializing 'nextjs'... 
    ? What is the name of your app? sxamultisite 
    ? What is your Sitecore hostname (used if deployed to Sitecore)? 
    ? How would you like to fetch Layout and Dictionary data? GraphQL 
    ? How would you like to prerender your application? SSG 
    Initializing 'nextjs-sxa'... 
    Initializing 'nextjs-multisite'... 
    Installing packages... 
    > npm install 

    Setup first your system for Sitecore JSS Next.js development using instruction present at Install JSS for Next.js

  • After successful execution of command, you will see the following information on terminal:
    > sxamultisite@21.1.0 lint 
    > eslint ./src/**/*.tsx ./src/**/*.ts ./scripts/**/*.ts --fix 
          :mMMMMMMMMh+.              `:smMMMMMMMm: 
        `yMMMMMMMm+`                     :yMMMMMMMs` 
       `dMMMMMMN/                          .hMMMMMMd` 
      `mMMMMMMh`                          -s/+MMMMMMd` 
      yMMMMMMh                        `:yNMMMs/MMMMMMy 
    :MMMMMMm`                       `hMMMMMMMsoMMMMMM- 
    yMMMMMM/                          dMMMMMMM:mMMMMMy 
    NMMMMMN`                          oMyossss:sMMMMMm 
     MMMMMMN                           yM:NMMMMyoMMMMMN 
     mMMMMMM`                         :Md+MMMMMoyMMMMMm 
    yMMMMMM+                        :NN+NMMMMM-NMMMMMy 
    :MMMMMMN:-                    `sMdyMNymMMosMMMMMM- 
      yMMMMMMd/o`                .oNdhmMhhMmh++MMMMMMy 
      `dMMMMMMm+do.-         ./oyhhhNNhyNMMNosMMMMMMd` 
                      __ / / __/ __/ 
                     / // /\ \_\ \ 
    JSS application sxamultisite is ready! 
    Next steps: 
    * Connect to Sitecore with jss setup (optional) 
    * Enable source control (i.e. git init) (optional) 
    * Check out the JSS documentation at 

    The code structure of newly created Sitecore Next.js multisite would be like this
  • Now go to the old rendering solution folder created using Next.js container template and delete all the files/folder from location \MyProject\src\rendering
  • Copy all the Nextjs code (files/folder) from the multisite setup created at previous step and place inside the \MyProject\src\rendering and change the project name as per the app name of your Sitecore JSS Site in the Sitecore CMS e.g. sxamultisite with sxawebsite if required:

    Your Sitecore CMS Content Tree
Step 4: Setup security for your Sitecore Layout Service
In the previous step you have set up the Sitecore Headless SXA Multisite Next.js code base. Now we will add required Sitecore items into the Sitecore Headless SXA Site instance.

Create the API Key which is utilized by the Sitecore Layout Service or Sitecore Edge GraphQL or any other client to get the Sitecore Content. In the content tree, navigate to /sitecore/system/Settings/Services/API Keys and create a new API Key item and fill the required field as per the Create a Sitecore API key.
Step 5: Set up the editing host for Sitecore Headless SXA Multisite
How to setup Sitecore Headless SXA Rendering Host Configuration item for Sitecore Headless SXA Multisite setup (Configure the editing host for your local environment)?

In Sitecore JSS setup (Sitecore Next.js SDK), you generally define the Rendering Engine Endpoint URL, Rendering Engine Application URL and Application Name settings in the Sitecore Patch Configuration present in the rendering code base at /sitecore/config/"app name".config and deploy this Sitecore Patch Configuration into the Sitecore CMS instance:

<configuration xmlns:patch="" xmlns:set="" xmlns:role=""> 




        <app name="sxawebsite" 














Here, app name sxawebsite is from the config.appName setting in the rendering host code (front-end app) base > package.json file and if you are deploying to local Sitecore CMS setup (IaaS setup) then replace rendering-host-name with localhost:3000, and if on the higher environment then you should have separate Editing Rendering Host for Experience Editor support and for lower environment (not local dev setup) you can use end-user Rendering Host for Experience Editor support.

For example, if you are on lower environment (not local dev setup) and your end-user Rendering Host name is then replace rendering-host-name with, and in higher environment you should have separate editing host like then replace rendering-host-name with

  In Sitecore XM Cloud, when you create an environment using the XM Cloud Deploy app, the environment is set up with a default editing host. This editing host works out of the box on your remote XM Cloud instance. The editing host serves only to allow editing experiences inside the XM Cloud instance and is not set up or scaled for serving live traffic. You can check more information at Sitecore XM Cloud Editing hosts and rendering hosts.

In XM Cloud you can also setup your own Sitecore Editing Host to provide Experience Editor support vis Sitecore Patch Configuration file, and steps present at Walkthrough: Configuring external editing hosts for XM Cloud instances

In Sitecore JSS Headless SXA setup, you define the Rendering Engine Endpoint URL, Rendering Engine Application URL and Application Name settings with the help of Sitecore Rendering Host Configuration item at /sitecore/system/Settings/Services/Rendering Hosts/ and not via the Sitecore Patch Configuration as explained above.

Create the new Rendering Host item at /System/Settings/Services/Rendering Hosts/ item or use the Default item. Here we will be using Default rendering host item:

Here, application name sxawebsite is from the config.appName setting in the rendering host code (front-end app) base > package.json file and if you are deploying to local Sitecore CMS setup (IaaS setup) then replace rendering-host-name with localhost:3000, and if you have Sitecore Container based local setup with end-user Rendering host service then replace rendering-host-name with rendering:3000 (if end-user front-end app service name is rendering and you have separate editing rendering host service then use host name of that). If on the higher environment, then you should have separate Editing Rendering Host for Experience Editor support and for lower environment (not local dev setup) you can use end-user Rendering Host for Experience Editor support.

In Sitecore Container setup if you mention the url of Rendering host in the Rendering Engine Application url then you will get the error

US)+WindowsPowerShell/5.1.17763.3770 - 200 0 0 2 

2023-06-12 15:22:44 GET /sitecore/api/layout/render/default item=%2F&sc_apikey=7BC74919-F648-406F-99B7-537CC4CA0834&sc_site=sxawebsite&sc_lang=en&tracking=true 80 - axios/0.21.4 - 500 0 0 6 

360 16:22:44 ERROR Application error. 

Exception: System.InvalidOperationException 

Message: Site from query string was not found: sxawebsite 

Source: Sitecore.Kernel 

   at Sitecore.Pipelines.PreAuthenticateRequest.SiteResolver.ResolveSiteContext(HttpRequestArgs args) 

   at Sitecore.Pipelines.PreAuthenticateRequest.SiteResolver.Process(HttpRequestArgs args) 

   at (Object , Object ) 

   at Sitecore.Pipelines.CorePipeline.Run(PipelineArgs args) 

   at Sitecore.Pipelines.DefaultCorePipelineManager.Run(String pipelineName, PipelineArgs args, String pipelineDomain, Boolean failIfNotExists) 

   at Sitecore.Pipelines.DefaultCorePipelineManager.Run(String pipelineName, PipelineArgs args, String pipelineDomain) 

   at Sitecore.Web.RequestEventsHandler.OnBeginRequest(HttpContextBase context) 

   at Sitecore.Nexus.Web.HttpModule.HttpApplication_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e) 

   at System.Web.HttpApplication.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() 

   at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStepImpl(IExecutionStep step) 

   at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) 

In the rendering host item Server side rendering engine application URL is not correct because CM container does not know about the Traefik external URLs/hosts. It must always use internal Docker Compose service hostnames like http://rendering:3000, so you should change Server side rendering engine application URL to http://rendering:3000 (without a trailing slash).

   Next.js JSS applications do not use integrated mode for integrating with Sitecore editors. Instead, they use the Preview feature of Next.js in combination with the HTTP Rendering Engine. The Next.js application serves as the rendering host.

With the help of HTTP Rendering engine you can have Experience Editor support for your Next.js application so that Sitecore users can manage content, presentation, and other marketing features for your JSS app using Experience Editor.
Reference: Start a JSS app in integrated mode

Step 6: Set the Application Name in the Sitecore Headless SXA Multisite setup
In previous steps we have created the API key and Rendering host items which required for accessing the data and for experience editor support.

In your Sitecore CMS instance, go to /content/[Headless SXA Tenant Name]/[Headless SXA Site]/Settings item, in the App Settings section, verify that the App Name field contains the name of your application from the config.appName setting in the rendering host code (front-end app) base > package.json file.

We will update value of DeploymentSecret field later once generated via Sitecore JSS Setup command

You also don’t need to enter the values of the Rendering Engine Endpoint URL and Rendering Engine Application URL in the Sitecore Headless SXA Settings item.
Step 7: Set values of the Sitecore Headless SXA Site Grouping and Site Definition Item
In your Sitecore CMS instance, go to /content/[Headless SXA Tenant Name]/[Headless SXA Site]/Settings/Site Grouping/[your-site] SXA Site Definition item, in the Settings section, in the Predefined application rendering host field, verify that the field references the default rendering host item created in the step-5.

Error: 404 / Page Not Found For All Pages On Next.js. Page not found This page does not exist. Go to the Home page

How to setup Multiple Hosts for a Sitecore SXA Site in Sitecore Headless SXA?
In Sitecore SXA setup when you will create the new SXA site then Sitecore SXA setup will create the default Site grouping > Sitecore Definition item under the /content/[Headless SXA Tenant Name]/[Headless SXA Site]/Settings/Site Grouping. This item is used by the SXA site to identify the Site based on the Host name defined in this Site Grouping/[your-site] item.

This Sitecore SXA Site Definition item will work when you are having only CM instance (in local XP0 dev setup) and in default SXA Site Definition item, hostname defined as wildcard (*) and database as MASTER, and it will handle all requests even from CD, and you will start getting error like Could not find configuration node: databases/database[@id='master'] while access the CD service (e.g., cd.myproject.localhost) and CD container become Unhealthy:
2448 12:33:41 ERROR Application error. 

Exception: System.InvalidOperationException 

Message: Could not find configuration node: databases/database[@id='master'] 

Source: Sitecore.Kernel 

   at Sitecore.Configuration.DefaultFactory.GetConfigNode(String xpath, Boolean assert) 

   at Sitecore.Configuration.DefaultFactory.CreateObject(String configPath, String[] parameters, Boolean assert) 

   at Sitecore.Configuration.DefaultFactory.GetDatabase(String name, Boolean assert) 

   at Sitecore.Configuration.DefaultFactory.GetDatabase(String name) 

   at Sitecore.Sites.SiteContext.get_Database() 

   at Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.DeviceResolver.Process(HttpRequestArgs args) 

   at (Object , Object ) 

   at Sitecore.Pipelines.CorePipeline.Run(PipelineArgs args) 

   at Sitecore.Pipelines.DefaultCorePipelineManager.Run(String pipelineName, PipelineArgs args, String pipelineDomain, Boolean failIfNotExists) 

   at Sitecore.Pipelines.DefaultCorePipelineManager.Run(String pipelineName, PipelineArgs args, String pipelineDomain) 

   at Sitecore.Web.RequestEventsHandler.OnPostAuthenticateRequest(HttpContextBase context) 

   at System.Web.HttpApplication.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() 

   at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStepImpl(IExecutionStep step) 

   at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) 

For this error you should also check that patch config present at App_Config\Modules\JSS SXA\Foundation\Sitecore.XA.JSS.Foundation.Presentation.config should not point to MASTER db
<config name="sxa-jss"> 

<requestContext type="Sitecore.LayoutService.Configuration.DefaultRequestContext, Sitecore.LayoutService"> 



If pointing to MASTER db then you should update database to WEB via the new Sitecore Patch configuration file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 

<!--The default sxa-jss database needs to be set to web on CD servers--> 

<configuration xmlns:patch="" xmlns:xdt=""  xmlns:role="" xmlns:set=""> 




        <config name="sxa-jss" xdt:Locator="Match(name)"> 

          <requestContext role:require="ContentDelivery"> 

            <databaseName patch:delete="databaseName"/> 








And also perform below updates for Sitecore Headless SXA setup

The above error is coming because CD service will try to find MASTER database on the CD service (server) which they don’t have access. For this you should have two Site Definitions items, one for CM and one for CD e.g., if you have separate preview website then you should create separate site definition entry for that also. In Sitecore Container setup you will be having CM and CD services so I will be taking this setup to define the separate site entries:

   Note: To resolve the error : 404 / Page Not Found For All Pages On Next.js, you have to mention the site name in the Sitecore SXA Site Definition for CD service as per your the name of your application from the config.appName setting in the rendering host code (front-end app) base > package.json file. In the above CD service Sitecore SXA Site Definition item I have mention the name of the Next.js app but it’s not required for the CM service Sitecore SXA Site Definition item.

With above settings, you will be able to access the Frontend app in CM with Experience Editor support (separate rendering host) and Frontend app (end user rendering host) will load without error.
Step 8: Sitecore JSS Headless SXA Next.js App Setup
The deployment of Sitecore JSS Headless SXA App deployment is different from conventional JSS application because the default configuration settings are added to items (Site/Settings/) when a headless site is created, the Config Deployment step in the general process outlined at Walkthrough: Connecting a code-first JSS Next.js application to Sitecore must be skipped. Additionally, if any configuration changes required to Sitecore the you must comment out the app and site nodes in the configuration (sitecore/sites/site and sitecore/javaScriptServices/apps/app).

Open the rendering folder where Sitecore Next.js multisite code base in the terminal (ADMIN mode) and run the JSS command jss setup to generate the scjssconfig.json and /sitecore/config/[App Name].deploysecret.config files and follow the prompts. Follow the prompts to supply the following pieces of information:

Is your Sitecore instance on this machine or accessible via network share? [y/n]: y 

Path to the Sitecore folder (e.g. c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ ..\..\docker\deploy\platform\ 

Sitecore hostname (e.g.; see /sitecore/config; ensure added to hosts): https://cm.myproject.localhost 

Sitecore import service URL [https://cm.myproject.localhost/sitecore/api/jss/import]: 

Sitecore API Key (ID of API key item): 2036C66B-228B-4967-88A5-5C31ABC72D2C 

Please enter your deployment secret (32+ random chars; or press enter to generate one): 

Deployment secret has been generated. Ensure the JSS app config on the Sitecore end has the same secret set. 

  • Is your Sitecore instance on this machine or accessible via network share? [y/n]:
    Enter y because you will be able to access your website over the network.

  • Path to the Sitecore folder (e.g. c:\inetpub\wwwroot\
    What should be the path of the Sitecore folder during Sitecore JSS setup?
    If you are doing development in local system (not in Sitecore Container setup) then it's the root physical path to the Sitecore instance, used to deploy config files and JS build artifacts. File share paths are fine for remote instances. For example: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\MySitecore\Website. If you do not have access to the website folder directly, answer no when asked if your instance is remote.

    For Sitecore Container setup this would be the path of deploy folder as per your CM/CD service volume setup ..\..\docker\deploy\platform\

  • Sitecore hostname (e.g.; see /sitecore/config; ensure added to hosts):
    This is the hostname of your Sitecore CMS instance previously configured in the Sitecore configuration patch /sitecore/config/[AppName].config. For example, https://cm.myproject.localhost

  • Sitecore import service URL:
    This is the import service URL of your JSS app. It consists of the hostname of your JSS app plus /sitecore/api/jss/import: https://cm.myproject.localhost/sitecore/api/jss/import.

    You can leave this blank to use the default value or provide your custom URL.

  • API key ID:
    provide the Item ID of the Sitecore API key for this JSS app from the location /sitecore/system/Settings/Services/API Keys

  • Deployment secret:
    This is a shared secret that enables authentication to deploy your app items to Sitecore. We recommend you use the random key generated by the setup process. If you choose your own key, the secret must be a randomly generated string 32 or more characters long.

    Error:  Sending package sitecore\package\ to https://cm.dockerexamples.localhost/sitecore/api/jss/import...
    Unexpected response from import service:
    Status message: Forbidden
    Status: 403
    No need to run the jss deploy items -c –d (or jss deploy app --includeContent --includeDictionary) , jss deploy app and jss deploy items

    You are using Sitecore Headless SXA so you don’t need to deploy the app configuration and JSS Next.js app to Sitecore, and to support the experience editor separate Node.js based Rendering host (service) required to deploy your Sitecore Next.js (front-end) code base.

    Applications built with JSS for Next.js are deployed differently than apps built with JSS for React, Angular, and Vue.js because of the particularities of Next.js. Essentially, because of the Next.js server, a JSS Next.js app uses the HTTP rendering engine.

Step 9: Set DeploymentSecret for the Sitecore Headless SXA Site Grouping Item
The Deployment Secret generated in the previous steps should be mentioned in the Sitecore Headless SXA Settings item (/sitecore/content/[Tenant]/[Site]/Settings)

Step 10: Set Jss Editing Secret for the Sitecore Headless SXA Site
You expose the Sitecore editor endpoints through editor integration API routes in the Next.js application when rendering Sitecore pages in editing mode.

You must create a secret token in order to safeguard the Sitecore editor endpoints. An alphanumeric value of at least 16 characters is advised by Sitecore.

This secret must be set on both the server and the client, and the values must be same.

Error: Connection to your rendering host failed with an Unauthorized error

Error: Connection to your rendering host failed with an Internal Server Error

There are two ways to configure the JSS Editing Secret server-side:
  • Set JSS Editing Secret via environment variable:
    In your Sitecore setup e.g., Sitecore Container setup you have the environment variable called JSS_EDITING_SECRET which used to store the JSS Editing Secret (I am using the deployment secret key as the JSS Editing Secret but you can have different also) and passed to the environment variable to CM service:
  • Other option is to secure the Sitecore editor endpoint using a Sitecore configuration patch and deploy to [WEBROOT]/App_Config/Include/zzz:
      JSS Sitecore Configuration Patch File 
      This configuration file registers the JSS site with Sitecore, and configures the Layout Service 
      to work with it. Config patches need to be deployed to the Sitecore server. 
      Normally `jss deploy config` can do this for local development. To manually deploy, or to deploy via CI, 
      this file can be placed in the `App_Config/Include` folder, or a subfolder of it, within the Sitecore site. 
    <configuration xmlns:patch="" xmlns:set="" xmlns:role=""> 
          Note that if any of these settings are enabled, they will apply to the entire Sitecore instance. If there are 
          multiple sites defined in the instances, the settings will affect all of them. 
            To secure the Sitecore editor endpoint exposed by your Next.js app (see `serverSideRenderingEngineEndpointUrl` below), 
            a secret token is used. This is taken from an env variable by default, but could be patched and set directly by uncommenting. 
            This (server-side) value must match your client-side value, which is configured by the JSS_EDITING_SECRET env variable (see the Next.js .env file). 
            We recommend an alphanumeric value of at least 16 characters. 
            You can use the deployment secret key as the JSS Editing Secret but you can have different also  
            <setting name="JavaScriptServices.ViewEngine.Http.JssEditingSecret" value="xxxx" /> 

       Note: You don’t need to define the JSS_EDITING_SECRET value in the environment file of rendering host code base (Sitecore Next.js code) at src\rendering\.env file
Step 11: Update the Sitecore Layout Service configuration for the Sitecore JSS Headless SXA
In Sitecore JSS Next.js applications you can fetch layout and dictionary data using the Sitecore Layout Service REST API or the Sitecore GraphQL Edge schema and for this you can change the value of FETCH_WITH environment variable (possible values REST or GraphQL) mention in the environment file of your Sitecore Next.js code base(src\rendering\.env).

Error: Placeholder was not found in the current rendering data
"jss-main" was not found in the current rendering data while using node-headless-ssr-proxy with React
Placeholder 'xxx' was not found in the current rendering data
PlaceholderCommon.js:55 Placeholder 'sxa-homepage' was not found in the current rendering data

If you are fetching data with Sitecore Layout Service in your Sitecore Next.js SXA application (using the nextjs-sxa add-on) then you have to update the configurationName parameter value of the RestLayoutService object to 'sxa-jss' in /src/lib/layout-service-factory.ts file because the Layout service will append this updated value into the Sitecore Layout service api end point as https://[Host Name]/sitecore/api/layout/render/sxa-jss?item=


 * Factory responsible for creating a LayoutService instance 


export class LayoutServiceFactory { 


   * @param {string} siteName site name 

   * @returns {LayoutService} service instance 


  create(siteName: string): LayoutService { 

    return process.env.FETCH_WITH === constants.FETCH_WITH.GRAPHQL 

      ? new GraphQLLayoutService({ 

          endpoint: config.graphQLEndpoint, 

          apiKey: config.sitecoreApiKey, 



      : new RestLayoutService({ 

          apiHost: config.sitecoreApiHost, 

          apiKey: config.sitecoreApiKey, 


          //configurationName: 'default', 

          configurationName: 'sxa-jss', 




Step 12: Set dictionary data source for the Sitecore JSS GraphQL Dictionary Service
Error: Valid value for rootItemId not provided and failed to auto-resolve app root item. go where no one has gone before.

If you would like to fetch dictionary data from Sitecore using GraphQL and the JSS GraphQLDictionaryService then you have to set the root item id of your website.

To obtain dictionary data for the current app, the Dictionary Service requires a root item ID. If your instance have only one Sitecore JSS app then you can give the root item ID of your website landing page (Home page) at /src/lib/dictionary-service.ts and add rootItemId : "[Your JSS App Home item id with curly braces]" and if your Sitecore instance have more than one Sitecore JSS app then service will try to determine the root item for the current JSS App using GraphQL and app name.
import { 





} from '@sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-nextjs'; 

import config from 'temp/config'; 



 * Factory responsible for creating a DictionaryService instance 


export class DictionaryServiceFactory { 


   * @param {string} siteName site name 

   * @returns {DictionaryService} service instance 


  create(siteName: string): DictionaryService { 

    return process.env.FETCH_WITH === constants.FETCH_WITH.GRAPHQL 

      ? new GraphQLDictionaryService({ 

          endpoint: config.graphQLEndpoint, 

          apiKey: config.sitecoreApiKey, 


          rootItemId: '<Your JSS App Home item id with curly braces>', 


            The Dictionary Service needs a root item ID in order to fetch dictionary phrases for the current 

            app. If your Sitecore instance only has 1 JSS App, you can specify the root item ID here; 

            otherwise, the service will attempt to figure out the root item for the current JSS App using GraphQL and app name. 

            rootItemId: '{GUID}' 



      : new RestDictionaryService({ 

          apiHost: config.sitecoreApiHost, 

          apiKey: config.sitecoreApiKey, 






/** DictionaryServiceFactory singleton */ 

export const dictionaryServiceFactory = new DictionaryServiceFactory(); 

Step 13: Verify your Sitecore JSS Headless SXA Multisite Next.js app
Open the Sitecore SXA Site Manager and make sure that your SXA Website resolved successfully:

After doing all the configuration/code changes, now its time to validate the Sitecore JSS SXA Next.js app, Go to your rendering host directory and start the front-end application in connected mode with the command: jss start:connected
You will see the registration of components and sample build logs are
> npm run start:connected -- 


> sxawebsite@21.2.1 start:connected 

> npm-run-all --serial bootstrap --parallel next:dev start:watch-components 



> sxawebsite@21.2.1 bootstrap 

> ts-node --project tsconfig.scripts.json scripts/bootstrap.ts 


Registering generate-component-builder plugin component-builder 

Registering generate-component-builder plugin packages 

Writing generate-component-builder plugins to C:\Amit\Sitecore-JSS-Headless-SXA\sxawebsite\scripts\temp\generate-component-builder-plugins.ts 

Registering config plugin computed 

Registering config plugin fallback 

Registering config plugin multisite 

Registering config plugin package-json 

Registering config plugin scjssconfig 

Writing config plugins to C:\Amit\Sitecore-JSS-Headless-SXA\sxawebsite\scripts\temp\config-plugins.ts 

Registering sitemap-fetcher plugin graphql-sitemap-service 

Writing sitemap-fetcher plugins to C:\Amit\Sitecore-JSS-Headless-SXA\sxawebsite\src\temp\sitemap-fetcher-plugins.ts 

Registering middleware plugin multisite 

Registering middleware plugin redirects 

Writing middleware plugins to C:\Amit\Sitecore-JSS-Headless-SXA\sxawebsite\src\temp\middleware-plugins.ts 

Registering page-props-factory plugin component-props 

Registering page-props-factory plugin normal-mode 

Registering page-props-factory plugin preview-mode 

Registering page-props-factory plugin site 

Writing page-props-factory plugins to C:\Amit\Sitecore-JSS-Headless-SXA\sxawebsite\src\temp\page-props-factory-plugins.ts 

Registering next-config plugin graphql 

Registering next-config plugin robots 

Registering next-config plugin sass 

Registering next-config plugin sitemap 

Writing next-config plugins to C:\Amit\Sitecore-JSS-Headless-SXA\sxawebsite\src\temp\next-config-plugins.js 

Registering extract-path plugin multisite 

Writing extract-path plugins to C:\Amit\Sitecore-JSS-Headless-SXA\sxawebsite\src\temp\extract-path-plugins.ts 

Registering site-resolver plugin default 

Registering site-resolver plugin multisite 

Writing site-resolver plugins to C:\Amit\Sitecore-JSS-Headless-SXA\sxawebsite\src\temp\site-resolver-plugins.ts 

Registering JSS component ColumnSplitter 

Registering JSS component Container 

Registering JSS component ContentBlock 

Registering JSS component FEaaSWrapper 

Registering JSS component Image 

Registering JSS component LinkList 

Registering JSS component Navigation 

Registering JSS component PageContent 

Registering JSS component PartialDesignDynamicPlaceholder 

Registering JSS component Promo 

Registering JSS component RichText 

Registering JSS component RowSplitter 

Registering JSS component Title 

Writing component builder to C:\Amit\Sitecore-JSS-Headless-SXA\sxawebsite\src\temp\componentBuilder.ts 

Fetching site information from https://cm-myproject.localhost/sitecore/api/graph/edge 

(node:44944) Warning: Setting the NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED environment variable to '0' makes TLS connections and HTTPS requests insecure by disabling certificate verification. 

(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created) 

Writing runtime config to C:\Amit\Sitecore-JSS-Headless-SXA\sxawebsite\src\temp\config.js 


> sxawebsite@21.2.1 next:dev 

> cross-env NODE_OPTIONS='--inspect' next dev 



> sxawebsite@21.2.1 start:watch-components 

> ts-node --project tsconfig.scripts.json scripts/generate-component-builder/index.ts --watch 


Debugger listening on ws:// 

For help, see: 

Watching for changes to component builder sources in src/components... 

- info the --inspect option was detected, the Next.js proxy server should be inspected at port 9229. 

- ready started server on, url: http://localhost:3000 

- info the --inspect option was detected, the Next.js routing server should be inspected at port 9230. 

Debugger listening on ws:// 

For help, see: 

- info Loaded env from C:\Amit\Sitecore-JSS-Headless-SXA\sxawebsite\.env 

Now open the browser and access the http://localhost:3000/, and you will be able to see the Blank page which will be showing title of your Sitecore SXA Site Home node item (/sitecore/content/[Tenant]/[Site]/Home)

   Note: If you are using the Sitecore Next.js SDK then you required the separate Rendering Host to support the Experience Editor (applicable to Sitecore IaaS setup and Sitecore Container setup), and if you are using the XM Cloud then Sitecore will provide the OOTB support for Editing experience and you don’t need to provision the Editing Rendering host by your own.

If you will try to open the Sitecore Headless SXA page (from Container Sitecore Instance) into Experience Editor where remote rendering host (running SXA Next.JS app from host machine using jss start:connected) at http://localhost:3000/api/editing/render then you will get error Unable to connect to the remote server:
1952 17:28:25 ERROR Unable to connect to the remote server  


Exception: System.Net.WebException  


Message: Unable to connect to the remote server  


Source: System  


  at System.Net.WebClient.UploadDataInternal(Uri address, String method, Byte[] data, WebRequest& request)  


  at System.Net.WebClient.UploadString(Uri address, String method, String data)  


  at Sitecore.JavaScriptServices.ViewEngine.Http.RenderEngine.Invoke[T](String moduleName, String functionName, Object[] functionArgs)  


Nested Exception  


Exception: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException  


Message: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it  


Source: System  


  at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)  


  at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Exception& exception)  

In this case you should have a separate Rendering host and use that as Editing Host to support Editing Experience in the lower environment and for higher environment you should have separate Editing Host. Also verify the Editing secret value correctly present at JavaScriptServices.ViewEngine.Http.JssEditingSecret attribute in Sitecore CMS and in SXA website (/sitecore/content/[Tenant]/[Site]/Settings, you can have same value for both Editing Secret and Deployment Secret) and disable the Rendering\sitecore\config\[website].config file in Rendering code base and not deploying to Sitecore CMS also.

With the help of the above steps, you should be successfully able to configure a Sitecore Next.js multisite app and integrate it with Headless SXA within a Sitecore container. This setup empowers you to build scalable, decoupled, and content-rich applications while leveraging the powerful capabilities of both Sitecore and Next.js. Enjoy the benefits of headless architecture and the flexibility of Sitecore in delivering exceptional digital experiences.

Setup local XM Cloud development environment using Docker containers – Sitecore With Raman ( How To Create A Local Sitecore XM Installation For XM Cloud | Fishtank Consulting ( Walkthrough: Setting up your full-stack XM Cloud local development environment (
Sitecore.Demo.Platform/docker/images/windows/demo-cd/Dockerfile at main · Sitecore/Sitecore.Demo.Platform · GitHub Sitecore.Demo.Platform/docker/images/windows/demo-standalone/Dockerfile at main · Sitecore/Sitecore.Demo.Platform · GitHub GitHub - michaellwest/test-sitecore-packages: Test the installation of Sitecore packages.
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  Rob Ahnemann   Jeff L'Heureux   Richard Seal

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