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Insights into Sitecore Search: A Definitive Introduction

A key component of digital experience management is effective information retrieval. A simplified approach is required for websites, applications, and platforms containing a lot of material so that consumers can easily get the data they require. This need is met by Sitecore, a well-known name in the field of digital experience platforms (DXPs), which provides powerful and comprehensive search functionality. We will travel into the realm of Sitecore Search in this article, learning about its capabilities, architecture , and the enormous value it offers both developers and end users. Introduction to Sitecore Search    A headless content discovery platform powered by AI , Sitecore Search enables you to build predictive and custom search experiences across various content sources. To extract and ...

Sitecore 9 Performance Tuning

The performance is the key to any product irrespective of software product or a hardware product and it’s also played a major role in the success and acceptance of the product.
In web-based application’s performance is the most talked about non-functional requirement (NFR) item and before starting of the project everyone will talk about performance performance….
Now a days most of the Sitecore based websites are rich in user experience and everyone wanted the site response very fast without knowing what’s the complexity in the backend in orchestrating the required data in user understandable format. In this scenario, from starting of the project we need to take care about data flow between different system and only required data needs to be shared/flow between systems.

Sitecore Performance Tuning Article Series:
Sitecore 9 Performance Tuning
Sitecore Front-end Performance Tuning
Collect Sitecore Site Performance Data Points
Sitecore 9 Performance Tuning :: Sitecore box performance tuning points

Once the actual development will start and obviously with STRICT deadlines (Universal Truth 😊) then no one will take care about performance and everyone just busy in accomplishing the deadlines.
After completion of development once business user’s start accessing the site and we started getting the complains about the Sitecore website (content management and content delivery performance performance….).

In the upcoming series of performance related blog post, I will try to explain my experience to troubleshoot the performance bottleneck and what are the articles/steps I followed and hoping that will be helpful for our Sitecore Community (#SitecoreCommunity) 😊.

We can divide the performance tuning or optimization process into two parts:

Front-end performance tuning points:
Please find below some of the front-end related items, which can be taken care to improve the performance:

Sitecore performance tuning points:
After performance optimization of Front-end related items, we have to look into Sitecore related items for performance tuning:

In the upcoming blog posts, I will try to explain the settings which I followed to improve the Sitecore 9 site performance.

Ping back/Issues:

Sitecore Caching Fundamentals
Caching Overview
Sitecore Cache
Prefetch Cache
Sitecore CMS 7.0 - CMS Performance Tuning Guide
Excessive load on ASP.NET Session State store 
Sitecore Admin Pages 
Looking for ways to boost performance in your Sitecore instance? Check out these 3 tips!
How to improve sitecore performance
sitecore azure performance
sitecore performance benchmark
sitecore performance counters
sitecore cms performance tuning guide
sitecore commerce performance
sitecore 9 performance counters
sitecore 8 performance counters
sitecore database performance
sitecore 9 experience editor performance
sitecore performance guide
sitecore 9 performance issues/problems
improve sitecore performance
sitecore performance optimization
sitecore solr/sxa/redis/rendering/pipeline performance
sitecore performance white paper
sitecore 9 slow performance
troubleshooting sitecore performance
Sitecore Helix Recommendation and Conventions - Helix 2.0


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